$100K New Year Raffle
Odds per Ticket: 1 in 8.77
Odds of Winning Top Prize: 1 in 25,000
Players can purchase a ticket for $100K New Year Raffle, an online-only raffle that’s full of fiery fun. Each ticket costs $10, and there are 2,500 $25 prizes, 250 $50 prizes, 100 $250 prizes and one $100,000 top prize in each drawing! There are only 25,000 tickets available per drawing, so don’t miss the chance to get a ticket. Once all the tickets are sold, the drawing will happen immediately!
How To Play
The $100K New Year Raffle has ended, so there will be no additional drawings. Keep on the lookout for other online raffles in the future.
$100K New Year Raffle is an online-only raffle that is available for a limited time.
Here’s how it works.
- Each ticket costs $10 and cannot be canceled.
- Each ticket has a unique ticket number and is issued in sequential order as sold.
- Players must match their exact ticket numbers to those drawn by the Lottery to win.
- Immediately after all 25,000 tickets are sold, an automated drawing will be conducted.
- If all 25,000 tickets are not sold, an automated drawing will be conducted approximately six months after the date and time that tickets become available for purchase.
- Once a drawing is completed, the Lottery will post the winning raffle numbers within the next full business day.
- If a player has a winning ticket or tickets, the winning ticket(s) and prize(s) will be shown in a player’s online account and will either be added instantly or available for claim submission.
- Once a drawing is complete, players can buy tickets for the next drawing. The rules and prizes stay the same, but there’s a new chance to win!
Prize |
# of Winners | Odds (1 in) |
$100,000 | 1 | 25,000 |
$250 | 100 | 250 |
$50 | 250 | 100 |
$25 | 2,500 | 10 |
Please see Online-Only Raffle Rules for more details.
Odds per Ticket and Top Prize odds are based on selling 25,000 tickets per drawing.